Some cool graffitti in Irkutsk Siberia/Russia
Having a wander around Tomsk
Make sure you have your glasses on before using this crossing!
A baby boy in a cabbage
Our new friend from Armenia
Our new friend from Armenia
Vicky and her new friends, one a arminian kebab shop owner and a local taxi driver!!
Sorry whats your town called?
A russian helicopter in the middle of a field.
and it was huge!!!!
A lovely siberian church.
Vicky cleaning all the flys out of the radiator, what a pratical lady.
Vicky cleaning all the flys out of the radiator, what a pratical lady.
Siberian monster truck.
The back of a breakdown lorry
Pumping for oil, these little pumps were everywhere.
For the lads back at work, JCB worldwide.
Feild upon field of sun flowers.
Stop and give me some money!!!!!!!
Feild upon field of sun flowers.
Stop and give me some money!!!!!!!
Vologograd and the 72 meter tall statue of Mother russia.